Hi! My name is Ellie Clark. I lived in America. I was born in 1999. Fashion is my hobby. It all comes down to your personality. You can’t fully express who you are without fashion. We are all familiar with the fashion trends in today’s world. Every person is defined by his or her fashion sense. People who don’t have a sense of style will be viewed negatively. It is my intention to inform people about fashion in all its facets through this blog. I travel around the globe and gain a great deal of fashion knowledge. I am curious about the world’s religions, fashion, places, and many more aspects. Every individual should travel and experience other religions, fashion trends, and other aspects of life. This will increase your knowledge as well as improve your mind level and sense of fashion. I created this blog to share information about fashion, and beauty, Grooming, lifestyle, entertainment and, wellness. So let’s stay with us at Guide Me Fashion